What is your name and the course you’re studying?

My name is Lewis and I’m studying apprenticeship.


Why did you choose to become an apprentice?

I chose to become an apprentice to push myself out of my comfort zone, to speak to the people and be able to understand the basics of being an electrician.


What did you think of the course?

I find it really handy because you’re able to speak to partners next to you that you may not know before, and they’re able to give you advice and you’ll also be able to help them and learn in the bit you struggle with. benefits of doing an apprenticeship as you start from the very bottom.


What are the benefits of doing an apprenticeship?

The benefits of doing an apprenticeship is you start from the very bottom. So you understand the nitty gritty stuff. You may not pick up on a worksite. So when you go in to worksite, you’re able to go, “right that’s how I safely isolate. That’s what I need to do ”and be able to point out where it is. It’s mixed, you’re not just get the same one every single week, which is nice.


What do you think of the tutors?

It’s mixed, you’re not just getting the same one every single week, which is nice. So it’s a different personality. So they’re able to challenge you in different ways. The previous one before didn’t. So it’s a different personality. So they’re able to challenge you in different ways. The previous one before didn’t. So you’re always out outside your comfort zone in a positive way, but you’re not in a shroud because you know who the teacher is.


What do you think of the training centre?

I didn’t expect it to be like this. It has if you need it, so I can just turn up myself at college and then everything it’s provided for me, the facilities are very good. You have you a little pod. You’re not in any one space. It’s very spacious.


Do you have any advice for new apprentices?

It is very in-depth in the week you’re here. But when you’re here, you learn more than you would a normal college. So I feel it’s more beneficial learning everything in that one week because you do go back over it, but you do have a basic understanding rather than go into a normal college and you have a basic understanding every three weeks. So I feel this way is a lot more beneficial for me.


Would you recommend Trade Skills 4U to other people?

Absolutely. The reason why is I’m able to balance my work life as well as coming here once a week. So if I was choosing a normal college, I would lose that because you’re at college for about three weeks a month, normally at a normal college. So I’m able to do what I need to do on the side. Come here for a week, try and smash it, understand everything they’re trying to teach me, and then go back to my work and try and implement what I’ve learnt into the workplace.


What do you think of Spiral Learning?

So what I like about spiral learning is you’re able to have the whole course of a subject like test and fault finding in that one week. It’s intense and then by the end of the week you’re able to put that knowledge to the test with a little assessment sometimes, and then I’m able to go to my workplace and demonstrate what I’ve learned from Trade Skills 4U during that week. Let’s show them what I’ve learned, where there’s a lot of progression, where a normal college and able to do that. So that’s what I enjoy about spiral learning.